Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hallelujah wikipedia!

Photo above: who put the ugly photo of burned chair at the "Otago University" in Wikipedia? Hey, please, consider world wide web users. They might practice in the other side of the world to just "fit in" to Otago university before they come to exchange or to study in here.
say we have to study real hard till sun goes down, we all live in the library and we are not allow to drink anywhere but at the top of flat roof!


well, this time, I will try something that I can give a lecture lol.
It is so amazing how we can use, interpret the content of the network society.
Audience research showed that we can have gratification and something rewarded from the online communities. Authority, democracy and community around us continuously have changed and partly involved, generated and shaped!!
Web 1.0 and 2.0, in certain area, there are massive growing and framing as nice, pretty character sometimes, for example, since we can communicate each other, I can upload all the photos I took in Dunedin, then I showed off to my old mates in Christchurch( Definitely, we are different!! haha). they can email me, say some comments, sometimes it is so weird to read some of random user's messages.

As a internet user, I have been trying to use broad coverage of web contents. I can tell you story, about how much wikipedia hates me forever!
When I am doing my research, (My main area, Science, Genetics, Trying to put all the rare genetic disease into my brain) all my references are from pubmed, science direct or BMI journals that many scientists thought they do have 'reputation' to believe and rely on. We never say, "some people say so", we have to write the authority, where it come from, and who the hell found the dizzy fact. I was writing up a report about inherited disease.There are certain gene that you can receive from one of your parents unwillingly. It called HLA gene; human leukocyte antigen system (HLA), is the name of the human major histocompatibility complex, found on chromosome 6. Basically, if you are freaky mutant, you have likely to have turned on gene that HLA region 2 (have rhematoid Arthritis), region 3 likely to have Asthma and so on.. How did I know? I did some background search! Wikipedia! World's coolest my friend.. well, was. I just search HLA and came up some idea that I never did, but it was on the first result of the google! I can blame the google.
I talked to my lecturer, he didn't like it at all, told me to search Otago University.
well, at the end of this fairy tale is .. I ending up doing all my academic research all over again ,
with all books and journals. and never be friend with the wikipedia. I hate it!

Focusing on the information over material goods? sure! how awesome is that sounds?
Encyclopedia sometimes play funny, gives you completely wrong idea, confused you.
I can create some random disease and put up on wikipedia, say "Right eye blinking syndrome that it is inherited from your Y chromosome, there are 1 in 100000000 chance to get it" then who is going to fall for that? Authority? well, I don't think so. They might think I have freaky mutant retarded gene on my left brain.

web 1.0 was handy but like talking to wall, we obtain information and directories and then use them, but "prosumer" as doing both roles in these days.

web2.0, and web 3.0 maybe further more.. in social networks we can be sure that we can not rely on that 100%. Dual means we can interact, so this must mean something cool. .. not talking to wall or talking to million people whether you want to or not..
Personal space, we can communicate, create own identity.Think that I put up really gorgeous blondie girl's photo at my profile in facebook, it is like I am making my own cyber image and character- gee, I don't need any surgery like Micheal Jack***! haha I never ever thought of this before. I love myself so I just put my normal, plain photo which is boring...

Oh.. Final comment, who put the ugly photo of burned chair at the "Otago University" in Wikipedia? Hey, please, consider world wide web users. They might practice in the other side of the world to just "fit in" to Otago university before they come to exchange or to study in here.
say we have to study real hard till sun goes down, we all live in the library and we are not allow to drink anywhere but at the top of flat roof!

I might post another one tomorrow as I found some interesting readings.
I normally have too many questions to myself which make me bit silly!
Never mind. I am going to search some random drugs that I just found.
Good night guys B-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Virtual Community

Effects of the virtual community and social environment

As virtual communities have been growing in our social communities, it has formed its unique characteristics. Virtual communities involves in social engagement, each particular culture, and combination of valuable purposes. Virtual communities such as online community depict mediated form of language and represent a shared code.
Virtual communities are composed of messy-tangled-web networks, also called ‘rhizomic relationship’.

For Social Capital, it is very broad meaning for itself. According to Cox, social capital is “the processes between people which establish networks, norms and social trust and facilitate co-ordination and co-operation for mutual benefit”. Well, but when it comes to online community, the definition itself might be little bit different. Erika questioned us that whether it precondition or outcome of virtual community. If social capital really do have equal relation between individuals and has horizontal hierarchy structure, in my point of view, it could vary. In economic, it provides us unconsciously gift, also into other aspects of goodwill. However, could social capital have any potential for central and local level of control? I mean, although social capital has low control and has convenient method that approach us in some stage, do they always function in same way?

Social capital generates virtual community and also, vice versa. During the virtual community approach us in all different ways; it creates social bonding; strong tie and weak ties. They formulate the ties via time, emotional intensity, mutual confidence (Trust) and reciprocity. Because they links to strong bond to weak bond, the virtual communities influence part of our lives and also, real community.

According to Bargh and Mckenna’s research on ‘the Internet and Social life’ (in New York University), as internet becoming part of everyday life, there are more potentiality to weaken social community ties. However, I think we have to consider that virtual communities reach different influential version in each different purpose, resulted in various outcomes.

David Holmes analyzed general virtual community, overall, in globalization and localization, convergence and divergence of the virtual community.

In my point of view, these network community also change (we live on fast-changing virtual community period?) in 10 years, maybe in 50 years? There is no doubt that we will continue to develop these rhizomic relationships but to what valuable effect we looking for in our social network? Is it actually taking from us what we once held as being valuable?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hacking, Hacker and Hacktivism


Posted image: from the movie Firewall (2006), Jack Stanfield
Quote: "Honey, I need to borrow your iPod."
This movie has chosen in the Top 20 Hackers in Film History by Scott Willoughby.
If you interested in, go to

Since internet has become a huge part of our lives, there are new phenomena: Hacktivism, Hacking, and Hacker. These issues are created based on the motive that “Information should be free and need to be able to share”. I am, again realized how the public media shapes our image of some objectives that I found out what I had known as ‘hacking’ is ‘cracking’! Well, according to Douglas Thomas, he defined cracker is unworthy, as opposed to ‘hackers’, who self identified as more sophisticated explorers. In David Gauntlett and Ross Hordley’s 2nd edition book called “Web Studies”, definition of cracker as ‘a hacker who causes damage to systems or uses stolen data for illegal means.

There are two uses for hacking:

To hack code’ indicates that make the code as fast as possible such as make it short.

To hack in’ represents that hackers one of main purpose, to test and to practice a system and security of a network. This comes from curiosity and early idea of hacking is to test the system itself and there is no intention to do harm. In Douglas’s article, he describes ‘the Hacker manifesto that Loyd Blankenship (1985) wrote to describe hackers’ self perceptions and how media twisted their images. Loyd repeated “you call us criminal “ after contrasting what other people have done things out side of online world and criticized how people can make misunderstand and misjudge about hackers. What I mostly impressed was “My crime is that of curiosity”. From historical context, first generation of hacking comes from curiosity about the mistrust of authority in 1950s and 1960s.

From 1980s, Media representation of hackers influences hacking culture. For example, War Games(1983) provoke some thoughts of young hackers to bring new trends in hacking culture. It is interesting for me that Douglas described two types of hackers; old school hackers from 1960s and 1970s and new school hackers from 1980s and 1990s. Old school hacking is mainly known for early hacking idea that ‘information wants to be free’. New school hacking indicates. New school hackers substitute the old school hackers’ hacking ethics and developed a culture with high-technology. New school hackers created new culture such as hacktivism.

Hacktivism is a idea of hacking from political goal and activism. Hacktivism often can become an act of cyberterrorism. I see this new movement is kind of revolution of new hacking culture and if hacktivism gets serious, with government concerns maybe we will have more strong punishment from hacktivism. If threats involve, I recommend that someone should pay for their action.

Most of the serious crimes are conventional fraud. Sometimes these new digital crimes are not involved in high technological hacking skills. They use commonly social engineering trick that simply they pretend to be a security expert to users.

I, also have some shaped image of hacking, no, cracking. Often in the movies, or TV series soap opera reflect image of hackers who are extremely brainy and computer guru. I remember I watched one episode of Nunb3rs (I think it was season two) about hacking computer system of bank and still money from clients online. It seems high plan that group of hackers with shiny gun, they were all smart enough to play all network of US banking system. But in reality, this is unlikely happening! (Well, to be honest with you guys, I am bit disappointed! I think in US things like these often occur! lol) Maybe in reality, it is not exciting, rather it is boring and annoying issue. What else could be inspired hackers in cyber society? Can anyone hack Otago University website for at lease one day? If any ‘good hacker’ see this, it would be nice someone put some random photo at the main Otago university website? Like photos of Orlando Bloom? Now I am dreaming.. :D

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Have a look!

For communication technology, it can be varied depends on culture, purpose and countries. But I think there are higher technological priorities, but it can also be different depending on each culture and ways of public's life style. For example, on way of communication system in these days! CELLPHONE!
I think this is God-blessed technology because I can’t live without it. (Well, I guess I can, but I may have a lot of difficulty to communicate with others)
One of the advanced technologies of the mobiles has TV function. (Also, they do have UBS function, almost combination of cell phones and laptop!). It called DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) function. There are in South Korea and Japan. (Maybe other countries, too. But these two countries have more users than other countries. Korea was one of country start using them, because of Samsung and LG: they are Korean companies).
Development of communication technologies can be varied depending on consumer demand, consumers’ lifestyle, government, etc. I think it makes what kind of communication technologies public prefer…
Anyway, I posted the images of DMB mobiles. In South Korea, most of mobiles do have DMB function. Old model of DMB mobile (launched in South Korea about 2 years ago) has antennas! Kk However, recent models do not have antennas. But I posted all of them., so have a look!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Architectures of the internet

In this week’s lecture, we had a look at architecture of the internet.
Online architecture can be divided into three levels that are level of the users, level of the network and level of the structure. How the architecture of the internet out of communicative network influences our behaviour and life routine in several possible ways? With particular examples of these three levels of the internet can help to answer this question; Users-Identity, Networks-Virtual Community, and Structures-Surveillance.

Identity online as users can be varied. I think that who you are, thus definition of the identity comes in slightly different meaning between real life and virtual communities. What I mean is that who you want to be in real life depends on many variables. For example, if you were a great cook, you may work at the restaurant or own your restaurant, but still you tend to keep your effort to improve your skills by doing things. You need to make an effort to spend your time to practice how to cook, search for others’ recipes, reading some cook books and go to famous restaurant to see what could be the secret recipe of the foods. You may not a famous cook among the public, but eventually your reputation will grow. At the same time, there is a guy who just enjoys cooking as a hobby and gathering all sorts of food’s recipe on his blog, comment on each recipe after he cooked, briefly explain what ingredients would be better to improve food’s taste. Many people started to visit his blog, and his identity online gradually has become a famous cook but his actual cooking skill might not be that great as many users thought, and maybe your cooking skill is better than his. In cyber communities, individual can hold various identities these days mainly depending on purpose, situation and interests. In other words, on cyber space, words make your identity. Reconstruction of identity is related to different communication process. Especially, identity is product of the interpersonal society online activity. So identity is not fixed, identity is something that we can make, shape and renegotiate in online society. It may be difficult in real life, but it is flexible in online space.

Networks are composed of rhizomic social bonds. They shared same communication system, not only language but also may a jargon or slang. I wonder how this network community comes out of ‘traditional’ community. But social bond on network community could be a temporary social relationship, or it could last longer. Dr Erika Pearson emphasized that all virtual communities are network, but not all networks are virtual community. Is it because all virtual communities are open system? (Can anybody explain the clear reason? I can’t remember what she said) How network change users gradually? If we consider virtual community as network, how would this different to face to face community?

Surveillance in internet is a structure that gives political and social control. There are two types of surveillance; top-down (most structured surveillance, involves laws, very strict rules, shape network community of users), lateral surveillance (act on each other, equal, social, informative). Surveillance shapes the network and frame social network with the control.
Internet system has three elements that are users (Identity), Networks (virtual community) and Structure (Surveillance). On superficial level, it seemed simple system for me, but in deep down, online communication system is complicated. I do know now, why internet scholars called network system ‘Rhizomic bonds’. It is messy, complicated but they do have certain pattern and rules that I am going to learn more!!